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Cepillado de Dientes

Cepillado de Dientes

If good dental hygiene is not maintained on a regular basis, the dog will end up losing teeth. Your pet’s bad breath is a clear indicator that he is accumulating tartar or that he has problems derived from poor dental hygiene, such as an infections or phlegmons.

Some foods such as celery, carrots and apples act as natural toothbrushes, fighting dirt in the teeth and preventing bad breath in dogs. They are a very good natural remedy to fight bacterial plaque and heal their gums.

Tartar can cause oral health problems but also other complications that extend beyond the dog’s mouth. Gingivitis and/or periodontitis, infections that attack the gums and can cause a lot of pain and even cause the dog to stop eating.

Care of adult teeth

  1. Daily brushing – Brushing your dog’s teeth is a very effective way to remove plaque from your dog’s gum line.
  2. Dental check-up – A dental check-up by a veterinarian is recommended once
    every 6-12 months.


Warning symptoms for toothache in adult dogs:

  • The dog stops eating.
  • The dog takes longer to eat the usual ration or eats less than usual.
  • The dog chews only on one side.
  • The dog vomits the whole food, practically without chewing, when it did not do it before.
  • The dog suffers from gingivitis.

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